pdf NETT Station Installation HB 1969 Ra Ocr R [LARGE FILE] Popular


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NETT Station Installation HB 1969 Ra Ocr R [LARGE FILE]
48MB  Station Installation Handbook, New England Telephone, June 1969, 899 pages.  See the TOC document for the full text of the BSP titles.  BSPs in this list have been extracted and saved as separate files. 

Table of contents (TOC)

Part 1 ? General Information

010-100-001 Issue 3 First Aid
010-100-010 Issue 1 Prevention and First Aid Creosote Skin Irritation
010-100-012 Issue 1 Rescue of Employee From Pole
010-100-013 Issue 1 Rescue of Person From Live Wire
075-160-301 Issue 2 Screwdrivers
080-115-101 Issue 1 Use Tools Properly
080-120-101 Issue 1 Grounding Electric Power Tools
081-710-200 Issue 4 Insulating Gloves
081-720-101 Issue 1 Leather Body Belts
081-721-101 Issue 1 Fabric Body Belts and Straps
081-730-101 Issue 1 Climbers
460-110-100 Issue 4 Special Service Protection
500-810-200 Issue 1 Handling Disconnected Station Apparatus

Part 2 ? I.W. and Protection

460-100-100 Issue 1 Station and PBX Protection
460-100-101 Issue 1 Addendum
460-100-101 Issue 1 Station Protectors
460-100-200 Issue 1 Station Protection Installation
460-100-201 Issue 1 Station Protection Grounds
461-200-100 Issue 1 Inside Wire
461-200-200 Issue 3 Station Wire and Cable Route
461-200-201 Issue B New England Addendum
461-200-201 Issue 1 Wire and Cable Separation Protection
461-200-201 Issue 6 Wire and Cable Separation Protection
461-200-202 Issue 2 Concealing Wire
461-200-210 Issue 1 Addendum
461-200-210 Issue 3 Attaching Station Wire
461-200-211 Issue 1 Attaching Ground Wire

Part 3 Telephone Sets

461-600-100 Issue 1 Connecting Blocks
461-606-100 Issue 1 71, 74, 75 Connecting Blocks
461-630-100 Issue 5 Jacks
461-630-101 Issue 1 Addendum
461-630-101 Issue 1 Jacks and Jack Mountings
461-630-102 Issue 1 Addendum
461-630-102 Issue 1 Jacks and Jack Mountings Outdoors
461-630-105 Issue 2 Plugs
638-215-300 Issue B New England Addendum
638-215-300 Issue 2 Station Protection Maintenance
461-110-200 Issue 5 Auxiliary Signals
463-110-400 Issue 3 Auxiliary Signals Connections
500-114-100 Issue 2 Ringing Bridge Limitations
500-115-400 Issue 1 Special Connection Electron Tubes
500-124-180 Issue 5 Station Sets Special Applications
500-128-180 Issue 2 Hearing Impaired Apparatus
500-150-100 Issue 5 Radio Suppression
501-136-100 Issue 3 Transformers
501-140-102 Issue 6 Handset Cords
501-162-100 Issue 8 Station Dials 5, 6, 7, 8
501-162-101 Issue 1 Addendum
501-162-101 Issue 5 Station Dials 9
501-162-102 Issue 2 Station Dials 10
501-162-103 Issue 1 Station Dials Touch-Tone
501-210-102 Issue 2 Handsets G1, G2, G3, G4, G5
501-210-103 Issue 1 Handset G12
501-211-102 Issue 1 Handsets Amplifier
501-250-300 Issue 1 Ringers
501-252-100 Issue 7 F1A Ringer
501-258-101 Issue 2 Ringers L1A
502-120-200 Issue 3 Telephone Sets Indoor Locations
502-120-202 Issue 1 Telephone Sets Outdoor Locations
502-200-200 Issue 2 Loud Bells
502-320-100 Issue 5 Telephone Set 220A, 1220A, 2220B
502-321-100 Issue 3 Telephone Bases AC1, AD1
502-321-400 Issue 2 Trimline Connections
502-510-100 Issue 1 Addendum
502-510-100 Issue 1 Telephone Sets 500, 501. 554, 556
502-510-121 Issue 1 Telephone Sets 2500, 2554
502-510-400 Issue 5 Telephone Sets 500A, B, 501A, B
502-510-401 Issue 8 Telephone Sets 500C/D, 501C/D
502-510-404 Issue 4 Telephone Sets 500J, K, 501J, K
502-510-408 Issue 4 Telephone Sets 500U, 501U
502-510-450 Issue 1 Telephone Sets 2500D
502-510-460 Issue 1 Telephone Sets 2554B
502-520-402 Issue 5 Telephone Sets 532A, B, 533A, B
502-520-404 Issue 7 Telephone sets 535
502-710-101 Issue 1 Telephone Sets 701, 702, 711, 712, 713
502-710-103 Issue 1 Telephone Sets 2702, 2712, 2713
502-710-400 Issue 6 Telephone Sets 701B
502-710-401 Issue 2 Telephone Sets 701D
502-710-403 Issue 7 Telephone Sets 702B
502-710-405 Issue 3 Telephone Sets 702D
502-710-410 Issue 3 Telephone Sets 711B
502-710-415 Issue 3 Telephone Sets 712B
502-710-433 Issue 1 Addendum
502-710-433 Issue 5 Telephone Sets 1702B
502-710-440 Issue 2 Telephone Sets 2702
502-750-100 Issue 1 Addendum
502-750-100 Issue 5 Telephone Sets 750, 751, 1750, 1751, 2750, 2751
502-750-400 Issue 5 Telephone Sets 750A, 750B
502-750-420 Issue 1 Addendum
502-750-420 Issue 4 Telephone Sets 1750
506-110-100 Issue 1 Coin Collectors General
506-110-103 Issue 1 Addendum
506-110-103 Issue 1 Alarm Security Coin Telephones
506-110-200 Issue 7 Coin telephone Installation
506-322-400 Issue 2 Coin Telephone 236G
506-326-200 Issue 2 Coin Telephones 1A
506-326-400 Issue 3 Coin Telephone 1A, 2A Connections
506-326-500 Issue 3 Coin Telephone 1A, 2A Tests
506-430-402 Issue 2 Coin Collectors 193G, H, 198G, H
506-430-403 Issue 4 Coin Collectors 210G, H, 212G, H 193&198GN, HN

Part 4 Outside Plant

462-070-016 Issue 1 Addendum
462-070-016 Issue 1 Drop Wire Clearances
462-070-017 Issue 1 Addendum
462-070-017 Issue 1 Drop wire Clearances Heavy Loading
462-240-200 Issue 3 Drop Wire From Open Wire
462-300-205 Issue 3 Drop Wire Strand Attachments
462-350-213 Issue B New England Addendum
462-350-213 Issue 2 Drop Wire Buildings First Attachment
462-350-214 Issue A New England Addendum
462-350-214 Issue 2 Drop Wire Buildings Last Attachment
462-400-205 Issue 3 Drop Wire < 300 Volts Exposure
462-400-206 Issue 1 Drop Wire 300-500 Volts
462-400-211 Issue 3 Drop Wire Pole to Pole/Buildings
462-450-205 Issue 3 Drop Wire Separation
462-460-200 Issue 1 Addendum
462-460-200 Issue 4 Drop Wire Mobile Homes
462-470-241 Issue 3 Drop Wire Discontinuance of Service
462-500-100 Issue 6 Multiple Drop Wire
462-500-200 Issue 3 Multiple Drop Wire Placing
462-600-200 Issue 2 Dedicated Plant
462-800-311 Issue 1 Drop Wire Lowering < 300 Volts
462-800-312 Issue 1 Drop Wire Lowering 300-500 Volts
620-105-010 Issue 1 Addendum
620-105-010 Issue 4 Observation Tests Joint Use Poles
620-105-300 Issue 2 Field Repair B Voltage Tester
620-131-010 Issue B New England Addendum
620-131-010 Issue 3 Pole climbing Precautions
620-132-010 Issue B New England Addendum
620-132-010 Issue 2 Pole Climbing Safeguards
620-133-010 Issue A New England Addendum
620-133-010 Issue 1 Pole Climbing Temporary Supports
620-216-013 Issue C New England Addendum
620-216-013 Issue 2 Addendum
620-216-013 Issue 2 Clearances Joint Poles
620-216-014 Issue 1 Climbing Space Joint Poles
623-300-202 Issue 2 Open Wire
624-300-200 Issue 2 Wire Terminals 104
624-300-205 Issue 1 Wire Terminals 105A
627-295-500 Issue 4 Testing Suspension Strand
629-720-200 Issue 2 Buried Plant Termination
629-720-205 Issue 3 Buried Plant Termination Junctions
629-720-215 Issue 2 Buried Wire D, E Terminals
629-760-200 Issue 1 Buried Wire Splicing
629-760-201 Issue 1 Splicing D Underground Wire
629-760-211 Issue A New England Addendum
629-760-211 Issue 2 Splicing B Service Wire
629-760-215 Issue 1 Buried Wire 179A1 Coil Case
629-760-220 Issue 1 Splicing 16-Gauge to Underground Wire
629-795-500 Issue 1 Buried Wire Testing
631-240-206 Issue 4 49 Cable Terminal
631-600-204 Issue 2 3A1 Closure

OCR by Clint Gilliland.  [Original scan archived]

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