Basic Search

Enter Search Terms separated by spaces (see Hints below).

Assuming dimension is required, the following results were found.

  • Dimension Electronic PBX Series 100, 400 and 2000

    Dimension Electronic Private Branch Exchange. Contributed by Steve Cichorsky. OCR and Admin: Paul Fassbender. • • 1mens1on Electronic Private Branch Exchange 1 1 TCI Library: ,...

  • Bell System Dimension PBX Brochure Aug75

    Contributed by Sam Corcione. @dimension TCI Library: The new Dimension* PBX from the Bell System reflects your future. A Dimension PB X can add new depth to your current commu nications system. It can k eep ahead of you as...

  • Graybar Catalog U-31 1940-41 - Tools

    body. Ladders, pike poles and other equipment can be carried on the racks. For % and 1 ton truck chassis with cab to axle dimension of ap proximately 50 inches, Model B 7 is built for years of service in di versified fields of oper ation. The body...

  • 75Jan BLR p16 - Alpha and Omega of the Network

    electronic switching. We have matched this Bell Laboratories Record BLR Vol 53 TCI Library: , DIMENSION System Attendant Console advance in technol mounted ona desk. It used factory wired ogy with a variety of switching...

  • 1987ca AT&T Telephone Sets and Prices - extract

    compatible with AT&T Communications Systems: MERLIN System, MERLIN Plus System, MERLIN II System, System 25, 75, 85, and DIMENSION with the exception of the SPIRIT Communications System. For a quick reference to Voice Terminals offered in this catalog,...

  • 1987 AT&T 000-111 Nov87 - Documentation Guide

    trademark of AT&T Dataspeed is a registered trademark of AT&T DEC is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation Dimension is a registered trademark of AT&T Documenter's Workbench is a trademark of AT&T ESS is a trademark of AT&T Ethernet is a...

  • 501-250-301 i1 Jan58 - Ringer Maint Number Type

    grounded ringing party line stations rung with polarized current• Biasing Spring Side ry Code Stop Screw Side Nominal Dimension of Airgaps Code of Gauge Inch Biased, at 4 party full selective and 8 party semiselective stations 126D 126A 0.060 0.012...

  • 501-250-301 i1 Jan58 - Ringer Numbered-type Maint

    grounded ringing party line stations rung with polarized current• Biasing Spring Side ry Code Stop Screw Side Nominal Dimension of Airgaps Code of Gauge Inch Biased, at 4 party full selective and 8 party semiselective stations 126D 126A 0.060 0.012...

  • AE SA-917 i2 1965 - Type 86 Keyset Desc and Wiring

    and mount the junction box on the wall or the back of the desk with the long ( 2) 1 hold (H) key, 2 pickup ( P) keys, and dimension vertical. Lead the control equip 3 convertible pickup (Ps) keys (Figures ment cable to either the top or the bottom of 3...

  • ATT BTC-79 i1 Mar82 - Training Course Maint Admin HB

    Telephone Service (ECTS), The Industrial Communications System (ICS) [Mine phone system], PBX Services, Centrex Services, DIMENSION®, Special Switchboard Systems, Automatic Call Distributors, Telephone Answering Services,AUTOTAS, Hotel Motel Service,...

  • 463-210-101 i2 May78 - 24A-type Line Status Indicator tci

    THEY APPEAR ON INDICATOR. THESE BRACKETED NUMBERS DO NOT APPEAR ON INDICATOR. Fig. 2 24A 16 Line Status Indicator Overall Dimensions 2.02 Approximate measurements of the three sizes of line status indicators are as follows: .24A8 6 1 2 inches wide by 5...

  • 463-210-900SW iA Aug77 - LSI-12 and LSI-24 Line Status Indicator tci

    same distinctive measurements of the Line Status Indi ringing patterns provided to stations in cators are as follows: the DIMENSION PBX (CSS20l). Approximately 5 inches wide by 5 inches 2.06 When a ringing station is to be answered high by 5 inches...

  • Ericsson Uk Telephones For Mines Ocr

    and copper br onze. All ter mina ls are enclo sed and the battery compartment will We ig ht Mines Dept. Code N o . Case Dimension s w ithou t Bat te ry accommodate two large dry cells. inches l b. Type I n common wit h other certified apparatus, the...

  • WE Switchboard Lamp Socket Cap - References

    Lenses are held firmly in place in cap cases by spinning the edges over 2AA 100 080 076 CD Red opalescent the lenses. Dimension A is 0.143 inch, dimension B is 0.531 inch for 2EE, 2EF, 2EH, 2EG and 0.468 inch for all 2AB 100 080 084 0 White opalescent...

  • 76Nov BLR P274 DIMENSION Custom Service

    Bell Labs Record. Contributed by Chuck Hensley


    Bell Labs Record. Contributed by Chuck Hensley

  • Cracraft-Leich Bulletin No. 1 - Mar1910 - MAGNETO TELEPHONES

    Cracratt. which this resistance Leich Electric Co. 13 can b e varied with a minimum amount of .energy, are of fairly large dimensions, placing carbon far in advance of any other material known for the production of electricalcurrent waves that act in...

  • 503-100-130 i5 jan 1984 2991c d 2992c 2993c and 2994c met sets

    , 2993C , and 2994Ctype multibutton electronic telephone (MET) sets (Fig. 1 through 8) initially designed to be used with DIMENSION®PBX electronic custom t elephone service a nd the HORIZON® communicat ion system. 1.01 Th e reasons for rei ssuing this...

  • 503-100-129 i1 jan 1978 2991a b 2992a and 2993a met sets

    , a nd 2993A type Mul tibu tton Electronic Telephone (MET) Sets (Fig. 1 through 5) initially designed to be used with DIMENSION® Custom Telephone Service (DCTS) and the HORIZON* Communication System . 1.01 *Trademark American Telephone and Telegraph...

  • X-72026-01 i2 Apr26 - M-Type Charging Generators KS-5009

    the width of a oommu.tator segment. Brushes when refitted shall be cut to the proper Jig associated with the machine. Dimensions of brushes shall be in aooordanoe with Figure 1. Air Gap The olearance between the· generatorar•ture and pole taoes shall...

Results 1 - 20 of 39


  1. Use a space separator or "and" or "&" to make Search Terms required.
  2. Use "or" to make a Search Term optional.
  3. Use "not" to exclude a Search Term.
  4. Use "text string #10" (text in quotes) to search for exact text with spaces, numbers and special characters.
  5. Combine the above to form more complex searches.
  6. See Search / Basic Search / Using Basic Search from the Menu Bar for more hints.

Examples of Search Terms:

  1. GTE AE; GTE and AE; GTE&AE; Handset and G1
  2. GTE or AE
  3. Handset not G1
  4. "N-205 Mini Network"
  5. "Western Electric" or "Bell System"

Click "Search" to start the search.

Check the text beginning with "Assume..." that appears under the Search box to see how the search engine interpreted your search terms, and change the terms if needed.

If you get hundreds of results, try adding more search terms.

NOTE: Basic and Advanced searches currently may not find BSPs when numbers are entered with hyphens (e.g. 502-400-401). Try entering the number with spaces instead (e.g. 502 400 401) or use Google Search.  We hope this will behave better in future software releases.

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Thanks for new documents from Bruce Patterson, Jon Kolger, Paul Ivester, Len Hicken, Paul Fassbender, Fred Haynes, Kurt Rudolph, Wade ("Kellogg KITT"), the Connections Museum, Rick Walsh, Jeff Lamb, Jeremy Walters, Mark Cuccia, Alan David, Harry Joseph, Charlie Terry, Karl Brose, Dennis Hock, Tim Griffin, Remco Enthoven, and Steve Cichorsky.

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Hints for using the TCI Library

"Menu Bar" for site navigation.
Many menu choices are hidden until you mouse over words in the black Menu Bar (above).  If you want help getting started, see the links under the word "Introduction" in the Menu Bar.
The user interface is oriented toward the user’s choice to either Browse or Search for information.  The Browse the Library menu entry offers many quick links to move around the Library quickly.  Try it!

Three search options.
The Library’s keyword-based searches, called Basic Search and Advanced Search, accept keywords as short as 2 characters (WE, AE, etc.) and search strings up to 255 characters.  If you get more than 1,000 items, refine your search or try the Google Search option.
When selected from the Menu Bar, Google only searches for files in the TCI Library.
Library INBOX.
The INBOX may hold some files that have been submitted but not fully processed into the Library.  These are often topics of current discussion on the TCI Email Group. Items in the INBOX are not found using Basic or advanced searches, but ARE found by a Google Search.
Remember to check the INBOX if you don't find something with the other searches.
Finding BSPs.
Many BSPs are currently only identified by BSP number. If a text search doesn’t produce a BSP, try looking in one of the many BSP index documents to find a BSP number for the product you are researching just as you would do if referencing a paper library of the BSPs. Then enter the BSP number in the search box.
Finding CDs and SDs.
Some related CDs and SDs are filed in different areas. Try searching for just the numeric portion of the name.  Remember to check the INBOX if you don't find something with the Basic or Advanced searches -- or use the Google search.
Compact Category Listing.
When browsing, to change the category listing view from normal to compact, click on Browse the Library in the black menu bar.
To change from compact to normal view, click on Document Repository in the drop down under Browse the Library.



Telephone Collectors International was incorporated under the laws of the state of Kansas on May 13, 1986. The goal of the organization is "to educate the public, as well as the members of the Corporation, regarding the history of telephony, the value of old telephones and related items, their collectability and preservation; to research telephone history and publish and provide literature thereon; to promote the public exhibition of old telephones and related items; and to promote common courtesies and guidelines for use by the public." Telephone Collectors International is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization, to which U.S. tax deductible contributions can be made.