Basic Search

Enter Search Terms separated by spaces (see Hints below).

Assuming select is required, and o is required, and phone is required, the following results were found.

  • V-2924 Bc

    VSP V 2924 Issue 3 V 2924 TALKBACK INTERCOM SYSTEM EXPANDABLE 24 48 72 96 ZONE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SPECIFICATIONS INSTALLATION Precautionary Information V 2924 Control Connector Locations Punchdown Block Connections Attendant Port Connection...

  • V119rtva V119rthf Bc

    VSP V 119RTVA 119RTHF Issue 7 V 119RTVA VOICE ANNOUNCE V 119RTHF HANDSFREE TALKBACK 19 ZONE INTERCOM PAGE CONTROL UNITS GENERAL These instructions provide identification, installation, operation, connection and maintenance information for the V 119RTVA...

  • V9924c Bc

    Issue 0 V 9924C COMMON AUDIBLE RINGING UNIT GENERAL The Common Audible Ringing Unit provides an audible signal over the paging system when there is an incoming call. It is used between a telephone system and the public address system. SPECIFICATIONS...

  • Asterisk on RPI 02232013

    Asterisk on on Raspberry Pi What’s a Raspberry Pi? The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets,...

  • ATT 463-248-101 I2 Feb93 PagePal Inst

    Contributed by Sam Etler. 2 12 93 AT&T ® PagePal Installation Manual Copyright 1993, AT&T All Rights Resewed Printed in U.S.A. 0II722050 917 Issue 2, February 1993 No Part of this publication may be reproduced in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in...

  • C38.023 i1 Aug57 Station Sets Noisy locations

    Contributed by Chuck Hensley. BELL SYSTEM PRACTICES SECTION C38.023 Station Operations Manual Issue 1, Aug., 1957 Station Sets AT&TCo Standard APPARATUS FOR USE AT NOISY LOCATIONS 1.00 INTRODUCTION equalized telephone set is much better than that of...


    Contributed by Steve Cichorsky. BELL SYSTEM PRACTICES SECTION C43.932 Station Operations Manual Issue A, January, 1962 Associated Station Apparatus Pacific Tel. ELECTRONIC SECRETARY MODEL TT2 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SET DESCRIPTION, INSTALLATION AND...

  • Errata on Vienna and Austria in the Book Telephone Dials and Pushbuttons

    25 pages of extensive comments and additional photographs, plus an added section: Overview of dials and pushbuttons of Eastern Germany. Contributed in January 2019 by Herbert Schwarz. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw...

  • 536-520-110 i1 Nov52 - 552B 552E PBX - General Description

    Contributed by Steve Cichorsky. Processed by Remco Enthoven and Paul Fassbender. BELL SYSTEM PRACTICES SECTION 536 520 110 Plant Series Issue 1, 11 14 52 AT&T Co Standard GENERAL DESCRIPTION 5528 AND 552E PBX Contents Page battery from all of the PBX...

  • AE Catalog 11000 - Section T - PABX PBX Aug69

    23 pages. Contributed by Steve Cichorsky. Processed by Remco Enthoven and Paul Fassbender. Section T of TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES CATALOG ISSUED AUGUST, 1969 SUPERSEDES SECTION T DATED SEPTEMBER 1967 PABX PBX PABX PBX Common Control, Type 25M...

  • AE Catalog 4055-N Nov62 - Station Equipment

    23MB. Contributed by Steve Cichorsky. Processed by Remco Enthoven and Paul Fassbender. STATJ.ON EQUIPMENT TCI Library http: ,Different peopl e need different phones Every person in your community has specific telephone...

  • GSP GTEP 473-514-100 i2 Apr76 - 102A Key Telephone Set

    Contributed by Paul Wills. Processed by Paul Fassbender. GTE PRACTICES SECTION 473 514 100 ENGINEERING PLANT SERIES ISSUE 2, APRIL, 1976 TYPE 102A KEY TELEPHONE SET 1. CONTENTS GENERAL..................... . . . . . . 1 PAGE O revious issue of this...

  • AE Catalog 4055-C Jun40 - Telephones

    62 pages. Contributed by Paul Fassbender. INDEX C.B. Muoplaoau 7 17 C.B. Telephoau, Misc. 11 23 L.B. M1111opho1111 24·Z& L.B. T1lepho11es, Miic. 27·21 Bha111 Dozes 29·31 Sigqls. Mi.rcellueom 31 32 Telephu Pam 33.39 Accessories IDll Tools 40:.C4...

  • GSP GTEP 028-735-100 i4 Mar82 - Plantronics JS-0136-1 Headset Adapter Assembly

    Contributed by Steve Cichorsky. GTE PRACTICES SECTION 028 735 100 ENGINEERING PLA NT SERIES ISSUE 4, MARCH 1982 JS 0136 1 HEADSET ADAPTER ASSEMBLY 1. GENERAL (a) The Type 12C Inductor Capacitor Touch Call ing Unit (LCTCU) has doeskin gray push 1.01...

  • AE Catalog 5002 Dec31 - Manual Telephones and Parts

    Contributed by John Novack. Bookmarks by Paul Fassbender. 5002 • I 1 ( 1 I r I CATALOGUE 5002 • Made by AMERICAN ELECTRIC COMPANY CHICAGO, U.S. A. Exclusive Sa es Agents In United States and Possessions AMERICAN AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC SALES COMPANY 1 033...

  • SC T-2109 67ca - Switching System Control - New Plans


  • SC Catalog 1967 - 3 - Condensed Catalog - PABX

    Scanned for the TCI Library by John Novack. Bookmarks and Processing by Paul Fassbender. T 2108 PABX Condensed Catalog T 6030 PABX Equipment T 6021 1A2 KTS T 6022 Series 5, 6, AND 7 PAX T 6026 Series 10 MOTEL PABX T 6027 Series 20 PABX T 6028 Series 30...

  • Graybar Catalog U-31 1940-41 - Tools

    Contributed by John Novack. Bookmarked and processed by Paul Fassbender. ,.,.... 1' • k ta:YDaR ' ., , • . CATALOG NO. U 31 TCI Library . ~ 7 __..,::;: _,,. . I , 1 , GraYDaR t» LINE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE \...

  • AE TB 322 May56 - PAX PABX Type-50

    Technical Bulletin. Contributed and scanned by John Novack. Processed by Paul Fassbender. P A X PABX SWITCHBOARD TYPE 50 Technical bulletin 322 AUTOM·ATIC ORIGINATORS OF ~ THE ® ELECTRIC DIAL TELEPHONE TCI Library , ( New...

  • 47mar National Geographic - Miracle Men of the Telephone

    March 1947. Alexander Graham Bell background info. Contributed by Steph Kerman. Bookmarked by Paul Fassbender. VOL. XCI, No. 3 WASHINGTON MARCH, 1947 Miracle Men of the Telephone BY F. BARROWS COLTON In observance of the centennial of the birth of...

Results 41 - 60 of 79


  1. Use a space separator or "and" or "&" to make Search Terms required.
  2. Use "or" to make a Search Term optional.
  3. Use "not" to exclude a Search Term.
  4. Use "text string #10" (text in quotes) to search for exact text with spaces, numbers and special characters.
  5. Combine the above to form more complex searches.
  6. See Search / Basic Search / Using Basic Search from the Menu Bar for more hints.

Examples of Search Terms:

  1. GTE AE; GTE and AE; GTE&AE; Handset and G1
  2. GTE or AE
  3. Handset not G1
  4. "N-205 Mini Network"
  5. "Western Electric" or "Bell System"

Click "Search" to start the search.

Check the text beginning with "Assume..." that appears under the Search box to see how the search engine interpreted your search terms, and change the terms if needed.

If you get hundreds of results, try adding more search terms.

NOTE: Basic and Advanced searches currently may not find BSPs when numbers are entered with hyphens (e.g. 502-400-401). Try entering the number with spaces instead (e.g. 502 400 401) or use Google Search.  We hope this will behave better in future software releases.

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Read the articles under "Introduction" in the black menu bar above.

Recent Contributors

Thanks for new documents from Bruce Patterson, Jon Kolger, Paul Ivester, Len Hicken, Paul Fassbender, Fred Haynes, Kurt Rudolph, Wade ("Kellogg KITT"), the Connections Museum, Rick Walsh, Jeff Lamb, Jeremy Walters, Mark Cuccia, Alan David, Harry Joseph, Charlie Terry, Karl Brose, Dennis Hock, Tim Griffin, Remco Enthoven, and Steve Cichorsky.

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Hints for using the TCI Library

"Menu Bar" for site navigation.
Many menu choices are hidden until you mouse over words in the black Menu Bar (above).  If you want help getting started, see the links under the word "Introduction" in the Menu Bar.
The user interface is oriented toward the user’s choice to either Browse or Search for information.  The Browse the Library menu entry offers many quick links to move around the Library quickly.  Try it!

Three search options.
The Library’s keyword-based searches, called Basic Search and Advanced Search, accept keywords as short as 2 characters (WE, AE, etc.) and search strings up to 255 characters.  If you get more than 1,000 items, refine your search or try the Google Search option.
When selected from the Menu Bar, Google only searches for files in the TCI Library.
Library INBOX.
The INBOX may hold some files that have been submitted but not fully processed into the Library.  These are often topics of current discussion on the TCI Email Group. Items in the INBOX are not found using Basic or advanced searches, but ARE found by a Google Search.
Remember to check the INBOX if you don't find something with the other searches.
Finding BSPs.
Many BSPs are currently only identified by BSP number. If a text search doesn’t produce a BSP, try looking in one of the many BSP index documents to find a BSP number for the product you are researching just as you would do if referencing a paper library of the BSPs. Then enter the BSP number in the search box.
Finding CDs and SDs.
Some related CDs and SDs are filed in different areas. Try searching for just the numeric portion of the name.  Remember to check the INBOX if you don't find something with the Basic or Advanced searches -- or use the Google search.
Compact Category Listing.
When browsing, to change the category listing view from normal to compact, click on Browse the Library in the black menu bar.
To change from compact to normal view, click on Document Repository in the drop down under Browse the Library.



Telephone Collectors International was incorporated under the laws of the state of Kansas on May 13, 1986. The goal of the organization is "to educate the public, as well as the members of the Corporation, regarding the history of telephony, the value of old telephones and related items, their collectability and preservation; to research telephone history and publish and provide literature thereon; to promote the public exhibition of old telephones and related items; and to promote common courtesies and guidelines for use by the public." Telephone Collectors International is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organization, to which U.S. tax deductible contributions can be made.